We LOVE meeting you at Pilates Events

October 2023

August 2023
25 – 27, Melbourne
So much looking forward to this!
The PAA in 2019 was the most fun! Amazing organisers, presenters and vendors.
July 2023
1 – 2 , Seoul
South Korea
It was our first time in Korea!
Amazing energy, fantastic people!
Great experience overall!

October 2022
21 – 23, Athens

Ana did it from our studio in Xiamen.
Delene and Helen from InSync studio in Sydney did a great video on using ELEMENTS on the Reformer

Ana at ELEMENTS showroom

Delene’s online class from Pilates in Sync,
studio in Sydney, Australia

At Olympic Village in Beijing

Our first Expo in China

In Monterey, CA

Ana with Brent Anderson and his team

It took place in Monchengladbach, Germany, a beautiful venue in a charming little town where mr Pilates was born.

Ana with Brent Anderson and his team

Volunteers were wearing ELEMENTS T-shirts

Ana and Caro, ELEMENTS Australia Rep

Our first Expo – we had a fantastic time!

Mary and Ana