Covers for handles

$52.00 CAD$59.00 CAD

These are made-to-order items

Before you place the order, make sure you will be able to dismantle the handles in order to place the covers.

We will be in touch shortly after receiving your order asking for the dimensions; see guidance on how to take the measurements in the DESCRIPTION below.

ELEMENTS wipeable covers for handles are made like tubes, with only one unnoticeable smooth seam. See the video below, showing how to position them.

Wipeable silicone leather material has a beautiful hand feel,  it’s not elasticated, non-permeable and resistant to repetitive spraying with a disinfectant. 

We will ask you for the dimensions

The covers will be made per order. Please take the measurement in centimeters as it’s more accurate.

We will ask you to tell us the length/height of the cover and the actual circumference of the handles.

  • For the length/height of the cover include the foam length plus any extra length if needed
  • For the circumference, we need the actual measure. Take into consideration that the foam might be uneven and pass the measurement of the widest part.

The videos below showing how to position the covers and how to take the measurements.

Covers for handles are made per order and are not refundable.

How to take the measurements for handle covers

How to take the measurement

How to put on ELEMENTS Handle covers

How to put the covers on; showing on the Ultima bench handles


All ELEMENTS are machine washable on cold setting with detergent for coloured fabric.

When used as personal, ELEMENTS can be washed together with your activewear.

When used by studios, we recommend washing all ELEMENTS together and as often as needed.

WIPEABLE covers and straps

Regularly wipe using disinfectant and warm water to remove disinfectant, then dry. Always using softs clothes and pressing gently. They can be OCCASIONALLY machine washed on cold setting with mild detergent.



Soft cloth products (covers, cases, pouches) can be tumble dried.

Medium setting, use the same as you would for your activewear.

Straps and handles can also be dried in a tumble dryer-however, we do not recommend as D-rings might make unnecessary noise or damage the machine.

Air-drying time will depend on the products, but also the way the products have been washed and rinsed.

WIPEABLE covers and straps

Air dry.



If ironing is needed, please use medium setting for both temperature and steam.


Regular maintenance will prolong the fresh and colourful look of your ELEMENTS.

ELEMENTS have not been tested for dry cleaning.

Please note that Momentum World Ltd DOES NOT take any responsibility for any kind of body injuries or equipment damage while using ELEMENTS. By purchasing and using ELEMENTS, You (the user) are agreeing to use the ELEMENTS at your own risk and responsibility.


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     Please choose the product variation

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