Delivery and Customs
We post worldwide from Xiamen in China,
using trackable, signed-for services by FedEx, DHL or SF express.
Delivery time is 4 to 7 working days from the day we post your order.
International Customs Charges
The customs and import duties are the customer’s responsibility.
The rules vary from country to country. We can not know the precise extra cost that you might need to pay.
Tracking Your Order
You will receive an email with the tracking details.
Registered customers can follow the parcel on our website from My Account / My orders.
Non-registered customers can follow the parcel on the courier’s company website.
Postage Cost
The postage cost is based on the size of the parcel and the location. It will be shown on the Basket and the Checkout pages.
Orders from Hong Kong, China and Taiwan will be posted with SF Express and the postage is payable by the receiver on delivery.
We Pack
We will pack your order in the smallest appropriate outer package to minimise the cost of the postage.
We use the minimum of paper and plastic necessary to wrap and pack your order.