Aimee Challies presenting the Harness Sling
New Extras for Your Playground
The wait is nearly over!

Silicone Non-Slip Pads
Coming soon !
Grips for Bars
The solution for hard and slippery metal bars on Pilates Cadillac is here! Just drape the Grips for Bars over the bars or wrap them around a few times to get an even thicker and softer cushion for your grip.
Cuffs for bars
Your new “eye hooks” wherever you need them alongside the bars. Be it a vertical or a horizontal bar, those non-sliding Cuffs for Bars will help you create the perfect position for the springs or the Extensions. Close them tightly around the bar. They can hold up to 140kg (22 stone)
Our solution for that extra length in setting the perfect resistance or strap length for your client.
They can be easily attached to eye hooks on your Cadillac, Fuse Ladder or our Cuffs for Bars. Use a carabiner or a swivel clip end depending on your needs.